Tutorial: How to create Call Me Back module in Joomla

This topic shows you how to install and configure Call me back module for Joomla.

callback module for Joomla
1. Callback Module installation

Download the Joomla Callback module. Log into admin panel and open “Extensions->Manage->Install”. Choose the downloaded module and install it.

module installation
2. Callback Module configuration

Now you are able to configure the module. In the main menu click “Extensions” and choose “Modules”, then open the “Callback” module. Firstly you can set the form headline, your email, working time and days.

callback options

Further, you can change the form color scheme, add the Recaptcha to the form, choose an element which would be calling the callback form.

View section callback module
If you want to call the form by custom element, select “Class” in drop-down list. Option “Button” is for default button, “Sticky button” set fixed position for the button. Recaptcha is free to use, but you should register your site on the Google and insert received keys.

In the third section, you could customize headlines, messages, texts and etc.

Texts section Callback module


In the “Analytics” tab you could set goals for the Google Analytics and Yandex Metrika.

Google analytics section Callback module

3. Add Callback form to the site pages

You can put the module in any position of the page. Select position in the drop-down box, after that open “Menu Assignment” tab and choose pages to display the form.

menu assigment

And then select “Published” in the “Status” drop-down box. position options

If you want to add the callback form to the article, click “Content” in the top menu, choose “Articles” and open the one you need. And then insert in the content field the following code: {loadmodule mod_joomly_callback}

loadmodule callback

For the “Sticky button” just set any position which used in the template.
How to call a form by menu item.

How to call a form by custom element (picture, custom button, text and etc.).

How to add a few forms to the site.

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